
by EatonPlan

Music & Audio

3.79 usd

Android 11 support now available in Beta version.KatanaSets is designed for performing musicians who use the KatanaMan Pro app, and who use Setlists to support their performance.KatanaSets makes creating and managing Setists easy - using a drag and drop approach - and they are immediately available to KatanaMan Pro.Whilst KatanaMan is great for capturing your creative tones as a patch, if you are a performing musician, when on stage you really need to work with a Setlist (ie a list of songs in the order they are to be performed) rather than an un-ordered collection of patches (tones). With KatanaSets you can create and re-order setlists by simply dragging and dropping tiles (songs). Copy setlists to create different setlists for different gigs.Once created and saved from KatanaSets, the setlist is immediately available to KatanaMan.FEATURESThe heart of KatanaSets is one or more master song list(s) which you create. The master song list (MSL) is a list of all of the songs in your repertoire and the associated KatanaMan patch used for that song. Setlists are built by dragging songs from the MSL into the setlist. Songs within a set list can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping in the new position. Songs can be removed from the setlist by dragging them away from the list.KatanaSets can automatically :- apply formatting to sets, - highlight any songs entries where the associated patch does not actually exist (oops!)- include set break markers/headings so that you can easily see where one set ends and another starts- apply set numbering to the songs - restarting after each set break so that you can quickly see how many songs are in each set (numbering can be saved so that it is visible in KatanaMan)- copy/clone setlists- use multiple MSL files if, for example, you work with more that one collection of songs - or you perform with two or more different groups.- create a PDF file of the setlist (3 different formats available).- email the PDF file as an attachment directly from within the app (requires INTERNET permission).